Dr Gavin BUI Hiu-yuet(貝曉越博士)

BA (Guangdong University of Foreign Studies)

Associate Head and Associate Professor
MA-ELTA Programme Director

Tel : (852) 3963 5440
Email : gavinbui@hsu.edu.hk

Dr Bui holds a BA (with Distinction) in English and a PhD in Applied Linguistics. His research interests lie in task-based language teaching and L3 learning motivation. Dr Bui was a recipient of the HSU Teaching Excellence Awards and the principal investigator of two RGC grants. He is also Co-Editor of the Asian Journal of English Language Teaching and President of the Hong Kong Association for Applied Linguistics.

Funded Research Projects


1. 2021-2022 Principal Investigator. ‘Functional Adequacy in Second Language Speaking and Writing Tasks: Measurement and Pedagogy’ (Ref. No. UGC/FDS14/H13/20). 2020/21 Faculty Development Scheme, Research Grant Council. Award: HK $907,910.00 (24 months).
Link: https://www.ugc.edu.hk/eng/rgc/funding_opport/fds/funded%20research/fds2021.html

2. 2014-2017 Principal Investigator. ‘Task Sequencing with Different Task Types and Conditions in Task-based Language Teaching: A Longitudinal Study on Immediate Task Performance and Long-term Proficiency Development’ (Ref. No. UGC/FDS14/H01/14). 2014/15 Faculty Development Scheme, Research Grant Council. Award: HK $684,526.00 (30 months).
Link: https://www.ugc.edu.hk/eng/rgc/funding_opport/fds/funded%20research/fds1415.html

3. 2012-2013 Principal Investigator. “A Cognitive Approach to Improving Second Language Oral Performance in Task-based Language Teaching”. HSMC Research Fund. (12 months).

As Co-I

1. 2022-2023 Co-investigator. “Learner engagement in listening-and-speaking tasks in the face-to-face and the synchronous computer-mediated communication conditions” (Ref. No. UGC/FDS16/H18/21). 2021-22 Faculty Development Scheme, Research Grant Council. Award: HK $ 655,953.00 (18 months). (PI: Dr. Qiu Xuyuan, HKMU)
Link: https://www.ugc.edu.hk/eng/rgc/funding_opport/fds/funded%20research/fds2122.html


Journal Articles and Academic Book Chapters

  • Bui, G. (2025). Task-based language teaching. In H. Nesi & P. Milin (Eds.), International encyclopedia of language and linguistics (3rd ed.) (pp.1-6)Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-95504-1.00434-8
  • Bui, G. (2024). There is more to the task: A response to Ellis (2024). International Journal of TESOL Studies, 6(4), 14-19. https://doi.org/10.58304/ijts.20240402 [SCOPUS-indexed, Open Access]
  • Norouzian, R., & Bui, G. (2024). Meta-analysis of second language research with complex research designs. Studies in Second Language Acquisition46(1), 251-276.  https://doi.org/10.1017/S0272263123000311 [SSCI-Indexed]
  • Skehan, P., Bui, G., Wang, Z., & Shum, S. (2024). Re-examining accuracy measures in second language task-based spoken performance. Research Methods in Applied Linguistics, 3(1)100098.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rmal.2024.100098 [Scopus-indexed]
  • Tabari, M. A., Bui, G., & Wang, Y. (2024). The effects of topic familiarity on emotionality and linguistic complexity in EAP writing. Language Teaching Research, 28(4), 1616–1634. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F13621688211033565  [SSCI-Indexed]
  • Xie, J., Xie, J., & Bui, G. (2024). A diachronic study of authorial stance in the discussion of Chinese MA theses and published research articles. Journal of English for Academic Purposes67, 101320. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeap.2023.101320 [SSCI-Indexed]
  • Yu, Q., & Bui, G. (accepted, to appear 2024). Using tasks to teach the Chinese writing system. In C. Lambert (Ed.), Designing and using tasks in foreign language teaching: Principles and practices. Cambridge University Press.
  • Bui, G. (2023). A Dual-Motivation System in L2 and L3 learning: A theoretical framework and pedagogical application. Languages, 8(1), 69. https://doi.org/10.3390/languages8010069 [ESCI/SCOPUS-indexed, Open Access]
  • Lambert, C., Aubrey, S., & Bui, G. (2023). The role of the learner in task-based language teaching. In C. Craig., S. Aubrey, & B. Bui (Eds.), The role of the learner in task-based language teaching: Theory and research methods (pp.1-15). Routledge.
  • Aubrey, S., Lambert, C., & Bui, G. (2023). Future research on the role of the learner in TBLT. In C. Craig., S. Aubrey, & B. Bui (Eds.), The role of the learner in task-based language teaching: Theory and research methods (pp.190-197). Routledge.
  • Qiu, X., & Bui, G. (2022 online). Pre-task planning effects on learner engagement in face-to-face and synchronous computer-mediated communication. Language Teaching Research
    https://doi.org/10.1177/13621688221135280 [SSCI-Indexed]
  • Bui, G., & Tai, K. (2022). Revisiting functional adequacy and task-based language teaching in the GBA: insights from translanguaging. Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and Foreign Language Education7, 40. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40862-022-00160-7 [ESCI/SCOPUS-indexed, Open Access]
  • Ma, J., & Bui, G. (2022). Implementing continuous assessment in an academic English writing course: An exploratory study. Assessing Writing, 53, 100629.
    https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asw.2022.100629 [SSCI-Indexed]
  • Qiu, X., & Bui, G. (2022). “We are responsive on zoom, but…”: L2 learner perceptions of and attitudes towards speaking tasks in physical and virtual settings. International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching, 12(2), 1-17. http://doi.org/10.4018/IJCALLT.291535 [ESCI/Scopus-indexed] [Corresponding author]
  • Bui, G. (2021). Influence of learners’ prior knowledge, L2 proficiency and pre-task planning time on L2 lexical complexity. IRALInternational Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 59(4), 543-567. https://doi.org/10.1515/iral-2018-0244 [SSCI-indexed]
  • Bui, G., & Luo, X. (2021). Topic familiarity and story continuation in young English as a foreign language learners’ writing tasks. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 11(3), 377-400. http://dx.doi.org/10.14746/ssllt.2021.11.3.4 [SSCI-Indexed]
  • Bui, G., & Teng, F. (2021). Exploring complexity in L2 and L3 motivational systems: A dynamic systems theory perspective. The Language Learning Journal, 49(3), 302-317. https://doi.org/10.1080/09571736.2019.1610032 [ESCI/Scopus-indexed]
  • Ma, J., & Bui, G. (2021). Chinese secondary school teachers’ conceptions of L2 assessment: A mixed-methods study. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 11(3), 445-472. http://dx.doi.org/10.14746/ssllt.2021.11.3.7 [SSCI-Indexed]
  • Bui, G., & Wong, C. H. (2021). From linguistic skills to pragmatic competence: The role of functional adequacy in task-based language teaching and learning. Asian Journal of English Language Teaching, 30, 61-76. https://cup.cuhk.edu.hk/image/catalog/journal/jpreview/AJELT30_61-76_full.pdf
  • Bui, G., & Yu, R. (2021). Differentiating task repetition from task rehearsal. In S. N. P. Rao & L. Mukhopadhyay (Eds.), Task-based language teaching and assessment: Contemporary reflections from across the world. Singapore: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-4226-5
  • Teng, F., & Bui, G. (2020). Thai university students studying in China: Identity, imagined communities, and communities of practice. Applied Linguistics Review, 11(2), 341-368. https://doi.org/10.1515/applirev-2017-0109  [SSCI-indexed]
  • Bui, G., Ahmadian, M., & Hunter, A. (2019). Spacing effects on repeated L2 task performance. System, 81, 113.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.system.2018.12.006  [SSCI-indexed] [First cover story article]
  • Huang, Z., & Bui, G. (2019). Lexical bundles in conversation across Englishes: What can core and peripheral bundles reveal? English World-Wide, 40(3), 299–324. https://doi.org/10.1075/eww.00033.hua [SSCI-indexed]
  • Bui, G., & Kong, A. (2019). Metacognitive instruction for peer review interaction in L2 writing. Journal of Writing Research, 11(2), 357–392. https://doi.org/10.17239/jowr-2019.11.02.05 [ESCI/SCOPUS-indexed]
  • Kong, A., & Bui, G. (2019). Reader stances and writer responses in L2 peer review: A study of L2 writing literacy among Hong Kong secondary school students. The Asian EFL Journal, 23(5), 139–186. [Corresponding author] [Scopus-indexed] https://www.asian-efl-journal.com/main-journals/2019-main-journal/volume-23-issue-5-2019/
  • Kong, A., & Bui, G. (2019). Disambiguating recasts with prosodic and extra-linguistic cues in task-based interactions among young learners. Language Teaching for Young Learners, 1(2), 187–206. [Corresponding author] https://doi.org/10.1075/ltyl.18008.kon  
  • Bui, G. (2019). Task-readiness and L2 task performance across proficiency levels. In Z. Wen & M. Ahmadian (Eds.), Researching L2 task performance and pedagogy: In honour of Peter Skehan (pp. 253–277). Amsterdam, the Netherlands: John Benjamins. https://doi.org/10.1075/tblt.13.12bui
  • Bui, G., & M. F. Teng. (2019). Task planning and task-readiness. In J. Liontas (Ed.), The TESOL encyclopedia of English language teaching. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781118784235.eelt0972
  • Bui, G., & Yu, R. (2019). Spaced multi-draft composing and feedback in mainland Chinese English as a foreign language secondary school writing literacy. In B. Reynolds & M. F. Teng (Eds.), English literacy instruction for Chinese speakers (pp. 127–141). Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-6653-6_8
  • Bui, G., & Huang, Z. (2018). L2 fluency as influenced by content familiarity and planning: Performance, methodology and pedagogy. Language Teaching Research, 22(1), 94–114. https://doi.org/10.1177/1362168816656650   [SSCI-indexed]
  • Bui, G., & Teng, F. (2018). Exploring learners’ self-reported behavioral patterns in two task-readiness conditions: A qualitative study. Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics, 41(2), 129–149. https://doi.org/10.1515/cjal-2018-0008  [ESCI/Scopus-indexed]
  • Man, L., Bui, G., & Teng, F. (2018). From second language to third language learning: Exploring a dual-motivation system among multilinguals. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics, 41(1), 61–90. https://doi.org/10.1075/aral.17051.man  [Corresponding author] [ESCI/Scopus-indexed]
  • Bui, G., Skehan, P., & Wang, Z. (2018). Task condition effects on advanced level foreign language performance. In P. A. Malovrh & A. Benati (Eds.), The handbook of advanced proficiency in second language acquisition (pp. 219–237). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119261650.ch12
  • Bui, G., & Skehan, P. (2018). Complexity, fluency and accuracy. In J. Liontas (Ed.), The TESOL encyclopedia of English language teaching (pp.1–8). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781118784235.eelt0046
  • Bui, G. (2018). Total physical response. In J. Liontas (Ed.), The TESOL encyclopedia of English language teaching (pp. 927–932). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781118784235.eelt0163
  • Bui, G. (2017). A lexical approach to teaching formality in freshman L2 academic writing. In L. T. Wong & W. L. Wong (Eds.), Teaching and learning English for academic purposes: Current research and practices (pp.111–124). New York, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. [Scopus-indexed] Link
  • Bui, H. Y. G. (2014). The use of shall/will with pronouns: Collocations in L1 and L2 writing.TESL Reporter, 47(2), 21–34. Link
  • Bui, H. Y. G. (2014). Task readiness: Theoretical framework and empirical evidence from topic familiarity, strategic planning, and proficiency levels. In P. Skehan (Ed.), Processing perspectives on task performance (pp. 63–93). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. https://doi.org/10.1075/tblt.5.03gav
  • Bei, X. G. (2013). Review of Hong Kong English by Setter, Wong, & Chan. English World-Wide, 34(3), 383–385. https://doi.org/10.1075/eww.34.3.09xia [SSCI-indexed]
  • Skehan, P., Bei, X., Li, Q., & Wang, Z. (2012). The task is not enough: Processing approaches to task-based performance. Language Teaching Research, 16(2), 170–187. https://doi.org/10.1177/1362168811428414 [SSCI-indexed]
  • Bei, X. G. (2011). Formality in second language discourse: Measurement and performance. Interdisciplinary Humanities, 28(1), 32–41. Link
  • 貝曉越。(2009)。寫作任務的練習效應和教師反饋對不同外語水平學生寫作質量和流利度的影響 (The effects of writing task repetition and teacher feedback on writing quality and fluency among students of different proficiency levels)。《現代外語》, 32(4), 389–398. [CSSCI-indexed] Link

Research Tool: CALF

CALF is an automatic analytical tool for spoken (and written, if coded properly) data analyses. Developed with the generous support from RGC Hong Kong (UGC/FDS14/H01/14), CALF processes coded files and outputs a wide range of results for measures in complexity, accuracy, fluency, and lexis. Detailed coding scheme and methods are provided in the website too. It is freely available for everyone!

The CALF analytic tool can be accessed at http://www.censpothk.com/calf/

Newspaper Articles

  • Bui, G. (2019, May 3). 語言無關智商 愈早學愈流利。[Language and intelligence]. Weiweipo. p. A18. http://paper.wenweipo.com/2019/05/03/ED1905030016.htm
  • 貝曉越 (2017, 5月31日). 七成英文詞彙不是英文?. 《星島日報》, 頁 F02。
  • 貝曉越 (2015, 10月26日). 語言與思維. 《星島日報》, 頁 F02。
  • 貝曉越 (2013, 12月6日). Three or Free? – 英語口音誤區。 《文匯報》, 頁A28。
  • 貝曉越 (2013年1月9日)。英文交際能力的培養─任務型教學探討。 《星島日報》,頁F02。
  • 貝曉越 (2010年12月15日)。 語言學習關鍵期和輸入。 《星島日報》,頁F02。

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