MPhil (CUHK)
Assistant Professor
Tel : (852) 3963 5153
Email : michellehuang@hsu.edu.hk
Dr. Huang holds a PhD in English Applied Linguistics from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. She joined HSUHK in 2023 after 10 years of experience as a lecturer in School of Communication at Hong Kong Baptist University. Her research interests include corpus linguistics, sociolinguistics, discourse analysis, and language teaching and learning. Through her work in corpus linguistics, Dr. Huang analyses large collections of written and spoken texts to gain insights into language patterns and usage. Her expertise in corpus linguistics allows her to delve into the intricacies of language use in academic and professional settings. In addition to research, Dr. Huang has taught a variety of courses in linguistics and language-related communication to undergraduates and postgraduates at CUHK, HKBU, and HSUHK.
- Mak, A. K. Y. & Huang, Z. (2024). Communicating aspirational talk-action tensions: An integrated approach of CSR discourse analysis. Public Relations Review, 50(4). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pubrev.2024.10247 [SSCI] (Impact factor: 4.10)
- Ho, J.C.Y., Chai, H.H., Lo, E.C.M., Huang, M.Z., & Chu, C.H. (2024). Strategies for effective dentist-patient communication: A literature review. Patient Preference and Adherence, 18, 1385-1394. https://doi.org/10.2147/PPA.S465221 [SCI] (Impact factor: 3.60)
- Song, Y, Huang, Z., Schuldt, J., & Yuan, Y. C. (2022). National prisms of a global phenomenon: A comparative study of press coverage of climate change in the US, UK, and China. Journalism, 23(10), 2208-2229. https://doi.org/10.1177/1464884921989124 [SSCI] (Impact factor: 3.14)
- Song, Y., Lee, CC, & Huang, Z. (2021). The news prism of nationalism versus globalism: How does the U.S., UK and Chinese elite press cover “China’s Rise”?. Journalism, 22 (8), 2071–2090. https://doi.org/10.1177/1464884919847143 [SSCI] (Impact factor: 3.14)
- Huang, Z. & Bui, G. (2019). Lexical bundles in conversation across Englishes: What can core and peripheral bundles reveal? English World-Wide, 40 (3), 299-324. https://doi.org/10.1075/eww.00033.hua [SSCI] (Impact factor: 2.41)
- Bui, G. & Huang, Z. (2018). L2 fluency as influenced by content familiarity and planning: Performance, measurement, and pedagogy. Language Teaching Research, 22 (1), 94-114. DOI: 10.1177/1362168816656650 [SSCI] (Impact factor: 3.401)
- Huang, Z. (2014). The effects of paper-based DDL on the acquisition of lexico-grammatical patterns in L2 writing. ReCALL, 26 (2), 163-183. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0958344014000020 [SSCI] (Impact factor: 4.235)
- Huang, Z. (2010). Revisiting the effects of concordancing on lexico-grammatical patterns of signaling nouns in EFL writing. Journal of Applied English, 3, 81-92. https://doi.org/10.29691/JAE.201012.0006
- Braine, G., Wang, J. & Huang, Z. (2017). Introduction to academic writing: A guide for Chinese students. Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press上海外語教育出版社, Shanghai, China. [Core Textbooks]
- Principal investigator: “Mastery of the Art of Persuasion: Engaging Students as Partners (SaP) in the Digital Age” project funded by the Teaching Development Grants (TDG) from HKBU Center of Holistic Teaching and Learning (CHTL). Period: 01/06/2020 to 01/11/2021. Grant received: HK$291,880
- Principal investigator: “Yellow or Blue? News coverage on Extradition Protest between China and Hong Kong: A computer-assisted corpus linguistic approach” funded by Communication-Media-Culture (CMC) Studies, School of Communication, Hong Kong Baptist University. Period: 01/01/2021 to 30/06/2022. Grant received: HK$72,000
- Co-investigator: “A Collaborative Instructional Approach to English across the Curriculum” project funded by the Teaching Development Grants (TDG) from HKBU Center for Holistic Teaching and Learning (CHTL). Period: 01/06/2019 to 30/10/2020. Grant received: HK$248,665
- Principal Investigator: Service-learning project for the PRAD3015 Strategic Communication Practicum funded by the Service-Learning Mini-Grants from the Centre for innovative Service-Learning, Hong Kong Baptist University. Period: Semester 1, 2019-2020. Grant received: HK$30,000
Conference Presentations
- Huang, Z. & Liu, J. (2024). Discourse of menopause in social media: A corpus-assisted comparison between Twitter and Weibo. The 11th Inter-Varietal Applied Corpus Studies (IVACS) Biennial Conference. 17-18 July, Cambridge University, UK.
- Huang, Z. & Chan, M. (2024). Stance and Engagement in Digital Oratory: A Corpus-Assisted Study of Interactional Metadiscourse between TED Talks and L2 Student Presentations. The 16th Teaching and Language Corpora (TaLC) Conference. 6-10 July 2024, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK.
- Luo, Y., Zhang J., Song, Y. & Huang, Z. (2024). ‘Climate change’ vs. ‘global warming’: A Corpus-assisted discourse analysis of climate change discussion on Twitter. The 107th AEJMC Conference, 8-11 August 2024, Philadelphia, US.
- Mak, A. & Huang, Z. (2023). Communicating and managing aspirational talk-action tensions: An integrated approach of CSR discourse analysis. The 106th AEJMC (The Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication) Annual Conference, August, Washington DC, US.
- Huang, Z. & Song, Y. (2022). News Coverage of the Anti-ELAB Protests in the US, the UK, Mainland China and Hong Kong: A Cross-Regions Computational Analysis. The 72nd International Communication Association (ICA) Conference 2022, 26-30 May 2022.
- Song, Y., Huang, Z., Schuldt, J.P., & Yuan, Y. (2020). National prisms of a global phenomenon: A comparative study of press coverage of climate change in the US, UK and China. AEJMC virtual conference, 6-9 August 2020.
- Huang, Z. (2020). Yellow or Blue? Ideological divergence on Anti-extradition Bill Protest in Hong Kong English News Media. Corpora and Discourse International Conference, 17-19 June 2020, University of Sussex, UK. (Virtual conference due to Covid-19)
- Huang, Z. & Song, Y. (2018). Gap between reality and rhetoric: China’s self-branding of its rise and the perceptions of the Anglo-American newspapers. Corpora and Discourse International Conference, 22-24 June 2018, Lancaster University, UK.
- Huang, Z. (2018). Lexical bundles in conversation across English varieties: A core-periphery approach. Corpus Approaches to Lexicogrammar (LxGr) Symposium 16 June, 2018, Edge Hill University, UK.
- Zhang, G. & Huang, Z. (2016). “Discourse features of conference presentations revealed by lexical bundles”. The 3rd Asia Pacific Corpus Linguistics Conference, 21-23 October 2016, Beihang University, Beijing, China.
- Huang, Z. & Song, Y. (2016). “What does China’s rise mean? A CDA corpus study of news coverage among Mainland China, Hong Kong, US and UK”. Full paper to be presented in the 37th ICAME conference (Theme: Corpus Linguistics across Cultures), 25-29 May, 2016 in The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
- Song, Y., Lee, C. & Huang, Z. (2016). “Political and media systems matter: U.S., Chinese and British press coverage of China’s rise, 2008-2014”. Full paper presented in The 66th ICA Conference (Theme: Communicating with Power), 9-13 June 2016 in Fukuoka, Japan.
- Huang, Z. (2013). “Lexical bundles in private dialogues and public dialogues: A comparative study of English varieties”. Corpus Linguistics Conference 2013, 22-26 July, Lancaster University, UK.
Outstanding Students Service Award (AY2021-22), Department of Communication Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU)
Professional and Community Services
Journal reviewer
- Language Teaching Research [SSCI]
- System [SSCI]
- Corpora [SSCI]
- Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching [SSCI]
- Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly [SSCI]
- Journal of Media, Culture & Society [SSCI]
Honorary assistant professor (2017– 2024)
Co-supervisor of postgraduate research candidate, Faculty of Dentistry, the University of Hong Kong.
Courses Taught
- Introduction to Linguistics
- Semantics and Pragmatics
- Corpus Linguistics
- From English to Englishes and Beyond
- Bilingualism
- The Sound System of Language
- Second Language Teaching
- Morphology and Syntax for ELT
- World Englishes and their Cultures
- The Art of Persuasion
- Public Speaking
- Writing for Professional Communication