PhD (Edinburgh)
MPhil (CUHK)
Assistant Professor
Tel : (852) 3963 5414
Email : chloeleung@hsu.edu.hk
Dr Leung just completed her doctorate degree in English Literature at The University of Edinburgh. Her thesis investigates how modernist works deploy narrative techniques to disentangle “illness” and “disability” from medicine and to re-fashion connotations of “health” and “well-being”. The project is also interested in forging a conversation between critical medical humanities, disability studies, narratology, and Stoic ethics. Prior to her doctoral candidature, Dr Leung have been awarded a MPhil thesis in 2019 on Virginia Woolf and the Russian ballet, which discusses the underexplored physical gestures of Woolf’s characters and how their balletic movements stylize emotions.
- Leung, Chloe. “Hush and Listen!: Unspeakable Voices and the Deafened Moment in Virginia Woolf’s The Years”. JNT: Journal of Narrative Theory 52.2 (Summer 2022).
- Leung, Chloe. “Survival of the Unfit: Virginia Woolf’s Crip and Eugenic Modernism in The Voyage Out”. Journal of Literary & Critical Disability Studies 17.1 (2023).
- Leung, Chloe. “Narrative Dis-ease: Stream of Unconsciousness and the Corporeality of Disability Metaphors in D.H. Lawrence’s Women in Love (1920)”. The D.H. Lawrence Review. (Summer 2022).
- Leung, Chloe. “A Rhapsody for ‘Tuesday’: Undercurrents in Virginia Woolf’s The Waves (1931) and the Royal Ballet’s Woolf Works (2015)”. Interdisciplinary Literary Studies: A Journal of Criticism and Theory. (Winter 2022).
- Leung, Chloe. “Virginia Woolf and Therapeutic (E)motion: Remapping Health with a Dose of Stoicism” in The Voyage Out” in Woolf Miscellany, issue 97, Spring/Summer 2021, pp.14-16.
Book Chapter
- Leung, Chloe. “Neither Mad nor Woman: Re-Dressing Identity Politics in Virginia Woolf’s Orlando”. Madwomen in Social Justice Movements, Literatures, and Art, eds. Jessica Lowell Mason and Nicole Crevar. Vernon Press, 2022. (Peer reviewed), (forthcoming 2022)
- Leung, Chloe. “’But of course Rachel’s Illness is quite different”: Reconfiguring the ‘Medical’ and ‘Illness’ in Virginia Woolf’s The Voyage Out” in The Portrait of an Artist as a Pathographer: On Writing Illnesses and Illnesses in Writing. eds. Jajit Sarkar and Jagnnath Basu. Vernon Press, 2021.
- Leung, Chloe. ‘“It was one’s body feeling, not one’s mind”: A Pas de Deux for Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse and the Russian Ballet’ in East-West Dialogues: the Transferability of Concepts in the Humanities, eds. C. Bode, M. O’Sullivan, L. Schlepp. Peter Lang, 2020.
Conference Presentations
- D.H. Lawrence, Distance and Proximity: An International Virtual Symposium (July 2021): Workshop Convenor of the Panel: “Lawrence and the Dis-ease of Disabilities”
- Graduate Conference on D.H. Lawrence (DHLSNA) (April 2021): Title of Paper: “Narrative Dis-ease: Stream of Unconsciousness and the Corporeality of Disability in D.H. Lawrence’s Women in Love”
- NeMLA (March 2020): Neo-Stoicism and the Shaping of the Modern Mind. Title of Paper: “The Movement of Prose: Virginia Woolf’s Aestheticizing of Ethics”.
- The 28th Annual Virginia Woolf Conference (June 2018): “Virginia Woolf, Europe, and Peace” (2018, University of Kent).Title of Paper: “Virginia Woolf and the Ballet: Negotiating Restraint and Liberation”.
Professional and Community Services
- Reader and Postgraduate Representative for James Tait Black Prize in Fiction (2021-2022)
Courses Taught
- English Literature 2 (1750-1950) (Edinburgh)
- Hong Kong Literature (CUHK)
- Children’s Literature (CUHK)
- Introduction to Literature (CUHK)