MA (National University of Singapore)
BA (Ateneo de Manila)
Tel : (852) 3963 5175
Email : miguellizada@hsu.edu.hk
Miguel Antonio N. Lizada holds a PhD in Comparative Literature from The University of Hong Kong. He is also an alumnus of the School of Criticism and Theory at Cornell University and the Institute for World Literature at Harvard University. His research areas are Asian literatures in English, world cinema, and gender and sexuality. He currently teaches modules offered by the English Language Centre and the MA in Global English Literary and Cultural Studies Programme of the department.
Publications (all single author)
- “A Love That Began as a Game: Gameboys, Filipino Boys Love (BL), and the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Pandemic Play Community in Performance, Gaming, and the Arts, edited by Carolyn Ownbey and Catherine Quirk, Palgrave Macmillan, 2024, pp. 83–94.
- “Boy Power: Soft Power and Political Power in the Circulation of Boys Love (BL) Narratives from South Korea, Thailand, and the Philippines.” Suvannabhumi, vol. 16, no. 1, 2024, pp. 79–100.
- “A New Kind of 2Getherness: Screening Thai Soft Power in Thai Boys Love (BL) Lakhon.” Streaming and Screen Cultures Asia-Pacific, edited by Michael Samuel and Louisa Mitchell. Palgrave Macmillan, 2022, pp. 125-144.
- “So Happy Together… Too: Contemporary Philippine Gay Comedy and the Queering of Chinese-Filipino Liminality” Keywords in Queer Sinophone Studies. Edited by Howard Chiang and Alvin Wong. Routledge, 2020, pp 103-131.
- “When She Started Acting Queer: A Queer Gothic Reading of Nick Joaquin’s The Woman Who Had Two Navels.” Kritika Kultura, vol 30/31, 2018. pp 438 – 454.
- “Masculinity, Patronage Politics, and the Feminization of School Spirit in the Ateneo-La Salle UAAP Rivalry.” Philippine Sociological Review, vol 63, 2015, pp. 191-216.
- 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World. Vibal, 2015. (co-authored with Louie Jon Sanchez, Roy Tristan Agustin, and Jose Mari Cuartero)
Recent Conference Presentations (all single author)
- “Queer Ghostliness: Ghost Narratives, Boys Love, and the Thai Nation-State”, Association for Asian Studies in Asia. Yogyakarta, Indonesia. 9-11 July 2024.
- “Hustler on the Roof: Homonormative Economic Familialism in Post-1997 Hong Kong Art Cinema.” The Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting. Seattle, Washington, United States of America. 14-17 March 2024.
- “Romancing Displacement: Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) Romantic Comedy Films and Affective Labor” Narratives of Displacement Conference. London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, Birkbeck College, University of London. London, United Kingdom. 28-29 October 2023.
- “The Magazinization of Thai Post-1997 Gay Identity.” Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting. Hynes Convention Center and Sheraton Boston, Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America. 16-19 March 2023.
- “A Confection of Contradictions: Interfacing Korean and Thai Soft Power in Thai BL (Boys’ love) Web Series.” ASEAN Subregionalism and Korea-ASEAN Relations: Towards Complementary Cooperative Relationship.” Busan University of Foreign Studies, Republic of Korea (Participation thru Zoom). 27-29 October 2022.
- “Teach the Children Well: Ishmael Bernal’s Manila by Night and the Queering of Manila’s Reproductive Futurism” and “The Loves that Bring us to Life: Thai BL and the Post-1997 Political Economy of Thailand.” SEASIA 2019: Change and Resistance. Academica Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. 5-7 December 2019.
- “Re-entry of the Phoenix: Daniel Wu and the Queering of the Repatriated Transnational Star.” Situations 2019. Nanyang Technological University. Singapore. 24-26 October 2019.
- “Queer stories from the Islands: The Role of Queer Theory in Philippine Literature.” The Institute for World Literature Colloquium on Postcolonial World Literatures. Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States of America. 16 July 2019.
- “Rooftop Queering: Scud’s Permanent Residence (2009) and Amphetamine (2010) and the Queering of Hong Kong.” Arts and the City Conference. Karoli Gaspar University of the Reformed Church and the Hungary Academy of Sciences. Budapest, Hungary. 23 – 24 May 2019.
- “The Rise of the Queer Chinese-Filipino Son: Mano Po 4 (I Legal Wife) and the Political Economy of Queer Chinese-Filipino Liminality.” Sinophone Studies: Interdisciplinary Perspectives and Critical Reflections. University of California Los Angeles, California, United States of America. April 12-13 2019.
Teaching Assignments
English Language Centre
- ENG1001: University English I
- ENG1002: University English II (Module Coordinator)
- ENG2000: IELTS Workshop
- ENG2001: English for Academic Purposes
- ENG3000: English for Senior Entrants
- ENG3002: English for Professional Communication
- ENG3030: English for Specific Purposes (CCI)
- ENG4000: English Proficiency
- GELC6002: World Literatures in English
- GELC6004: Capstone Project (as project supervisor)