Information on this page is only applicable to students admitted on or before 2020/21 (Year-1 entry); 2021/22 (Year-2 entry); or 2022/23 (Year-3 entry).
The Department of English offers a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English Programme which is designed to help students build a sound knowledge base in English literature and linguistics as well as develop strong language and cultural awareness essential for an increasingly globalised world and economy. The Programme covers a rich and diverse range of topics aiming to broaden students’ horizons intellectually and personally. The integration of Business Studies modules in the curriculum also makes it unique with both academic and practical relevance.
This is a four-year degree programme and there are two semesters of 15 weeks per year. Each module consists of three credits, with every credit comprising a minimum of 15 contact hours. Students are required to study at least 43 modules of 129 credits over 4 years.
There are four Study Areas – English Studies, Business Studies, Free Electives and Common Core Modules.
The Programme will enable students to:
- learn independently and to think critically;
- gain solid knowledge in the concepts, theories and applications of English studies (literature and linguistics), supplemented with fundamental knowledge in business studies;
- face challenges using critical thinking, creativity, analytical skills and problem-solving abilities acquired from their training in language, linguistics and literature;
- use knowledge of language and literature to develop an understanding of local and global issues, developments and cultures;
- communicate effectively in English and Chinese (Cantonese and Putonghua) in biliterate and trilingual environments, including academic and business-related contexts;
- put knowledge and theories of linguistics, literature and language studies into practice, including business-related purposes and contexts;
- develop and broaden their understanding and appreciation of the world and its diverse communities and cultures;
- work independently or in a team with effective social and interpersonal skills from the learning process.
On completion of the Progamme, students should have acquired the following standards:
- knowledge of genres, themes and movements in English literary studies, as well as knowledge of form, function, meaning and usage in linguistic studies;
- knowledge of the historical and cultural contexts in which English literature has been written and shaped, and theories of modern linguistics have developed and evolved;
- skills of critical inquiry, appreciation, interpretation and evaluation, argument, and written expression;
- research skills to critically analyse, evaluate and synthesise information, ideas and concepts from literary, non-
literary texts and linguistic data; - cultural and global awareness through literary and linguistics studies;
- capacity for adaptability and for appreciating diversity in the workplace;
- effective communicative skills in English and Chinese in biliterate and trilingual environments, including academic and business-related contexts;
- knowledge and skills to undertake further study within the discipline or to pursue a career in business-related settings.
Business Core Modules
- MGT1001 – Introduction to Business
- MGT1002 – Principles of Management
Common Core Modules
- CHN1000 – Freshmen Chinese
- CHN1002 – Chinese Literature Appreciation
- ENG1005 – English Communications I
- ENG1006 – English Communications II
- GEN1000 – Perspectives on General Education
- 1 Quantitative Methods (QM) Module (Choose ONE)
– AMS1001 Introduction to Linear Algebra and Calculus
– AMS1303 Probability and Statistics
– AMS1360 Excel in Daily Money Management
– AMS2001 Quantitative Methods for Business Management
English Core Modules
- ENG1100 – Introduction to Literature
- ENG1200 – Introduction to Linguistics
- ENG1205 – English Lexical Studies
- ENG2100 – Exploring the Genre of Poetry
Common Core Modules
- CHN2001 – Applied Putonghua
- ENG2200 – The Grammar and Structure of English
- 3 GE Cluster Core Modules
- 1 Information Technology (IT) Module
(for year 1 entrants from AY2020/21)
– COM1000 Contemporary Information Technologies
(for other students)
– COM2001 Information Systems in Business; or
– COM2005 Introduction to Computer Programming; or
– COM2006 Database Management Systems
English Core Modules
- ENG1300 – From English to Englishes and Beyond
- ENG2101 – Exploring English Novels
- ENG2102 – Drama and Theatre
- ENG2205 – English Oratory: From Basic Sounds ro Essential Rhetoric
Free Elective Modules
- 1 Free Elective Module (for 2020/21 cohort or before)
Business Elective Modules
- 1 Business Elective Module
Common Core Modules
- 1 GE Cluster Core Module
- 1 GE Cluster Elective Module
English Core Modules
- ENG3110 – Shakespeare and his Universal Themes
- ENG3200 – Meaning and Language
English Elective Modules
- 4 English Elective Modules
Free Elective Modules
- 2 Free Elective Modules (for 2020/21 cohort or before)
Common Core Modules
- 1 GE Cluster Elective Module
English Elective Modules
- 6 English Elective Modules
Free Elective Modules
- 2 Free Elective Modules
- AMS1001 Introduction to Linear Algebra and Calculus
- AMS1303 Probability and Statistics
- AMS1360 Excel in Daily Money Management
- AMS2001 Quantitative Methods for Business Management
- (for year 1 entrants from AY2020/21)
– COM1000 Contemporary Information Technologies - (for other students)
– COM2001 Information Systems in Business; or
– COM2005 Introduction to Computer Programming; or
– COM2006 Database Management Systems
- Any modules with module code ACY, BUS, ECO, FIN, HRM, MGT or SCM (GE Cluster Modules taken since AY2020/21 are excluded).
- Please refer to the website of Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL).
- ENG3111 Realism: from Reason to Sentiment in 17th and 18th Century Literature
- ENG3112 Romanticism
- ENG3113 Victorian Literature: The Rise of Science in the Nineteenth Century
- ENG3114 Modernism
- ENG3120 Children’s Literature
- ENG3121 Women in Literature
- ENG3220 Bilingualism
- ENG3222 Corpus Linguistics in the Digital Age
- ENG3225 Language and the Mind
- ENG3226 Teaching English as a Second Language
- ENG3228 World Englishes
- ENG3230 Language and Society
- ENG3231 Digital Literacies in English
- ENG3321 Postcolonialism: the Step-Mother Tongue
- ENG3326 Ethics, Popular Cultures and American Literature
- ENG3327 English-Chinese Contrastive Analysis
- ENG3329 Stylistics
- ENG4120 Story of Success: Autobiography
- ENG4121 Literary Theory and Criticism
- ENG4220 Acquisition of English as a Second Language in the AI Era
- ENG4221 Conversation Analysis
- ENG4225 Research Methods in English Studies
- ENG4235 Structure and Meaning
- ENG4320 Film and Literature
- ENG4322 From Literary Studies to Cultural Studies
- ENG4323 Exploring Economic Canons in Literary Contexts
- ENG4326 Literature and Environment
- ENG4330 The Economics of Language
- ENG4421 Senior Project (Literature)
- ENG4422 Senior Project (Linguistics)
- ENG3112 Romanticism
- ENG3113 Victorian Literature: The Rise of Science in the Nineteenth Century
- ENG3222 Corpus Linguistics in the Digital Age
- ENG3230 Language Society
- ENG3329 Stylistics
- ENG4221 Conversation Analysis
Study Plan
Degree Award Requirement
In order to be eligible for the award of the BA-ENG degree, students must have:
- completed and been assessed on at least 129 credits (43 modules);
- obtained an overall GPA of 2.0 or above for all modules in which they were assessed;
- obtained a Grade D or better on at least 120 credits (40 modules);
- obtained a Grade D or better in all core modules;
- fulfilled the language competency exit requirement, i.e. 6.5 or above in IELTS**, or equivalent, and Grade 3B (三級乙等) or above in Putonghua Proficiency Test; Students failing to pass these tests are required to take the relevant English or Putonghua modules in lieu of the tests.
- passed the Information Technology Proficiency Test; and
- (from 2019 cohort) fulfilled the requirements of 12 iGPS Units and College Assembly.
- (on or before 2018 cohort) fulfilled the requirements of Community Services (20 hours), Extra-curricular Activities (10 hours) and Physical Activities (10 hours), within the course of the Programme.
** This applies to students graduating after 2020/21. Students graduating in or before 2020/21 are required to achieve level 6.0 or above in IELTS.
Download Student Guidebook 2021-2022 (all students)
Download Student Guidebook 2020-2021 (all students)
Download Student Guidebook 2019-2020 (For Year-1 Entrants)
Download Student Guidebook 2019-2020 (For Senior-year Entrants)
QF Level: 5
QR Registration No.: 18/000835/L5
Registration Validity Period: 08/11/2018 To 14/03/2029
Primary Area of Study / Training: A08 Languages and Related Studies
Other Area of Study / Training: A03 Business and Management

BA-ENG Programme Pamphlet