30 September 2016
The Department of English has been running the “Glocality” and Cultural Literacy: HSMC English Enhancement Project since 2014. Funded by the Quality Enhancement Support Scheme (QESS) from the Education Bureau and Tin Ka Ping Foundation, HSMC has been organising an array of activities to promote cultural literacy and the construct of “glocality” among our students.
The “Glocal” Cultural Fortnight, one of the key events, was held during 20 September to 30 September 2016. The two weeks consisted of highlights which reflected the hard work of students and staff over the past few months. On 22 September 2016, there was a Speech Festival on “Glocal” Culture where five groups competed for the grand prize of a cultural exchange trip in January 2017. On 29 September 2016, there was a Drama Competition on “Glocal” Culture. To complement these highlights, daily activities were organised including English Language Lunches on different cultural themes and cultural workshops.

Dean Thomas Luk, School of Humanities and Social Science, and Head of the Department of English, officiated at the “Glocal” Cultural Ceremony

President Simon S M Ho delivered an opening speech at the “Glocal” Cultural Ceremony

Hosts and honorable guests: (from Left) Dr Eugenia Ng, Ms Sarena Law, Mrs Anora Wong, President Simon Ho, Professor Thomas Luk and Professor Y V Hui
English Language Lunches on different cultural topics including American Food, Music Café, Korean Lunch, International Dessert Buffet and 2016 Olympics
Student participants delivered presentations on “glocal” topics at the Speech Festival

Judges, honourable guests, the speech coach and student participants at the Speech Festival
The winning student cast performed an adaptation of Christopher Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus in the Drama Competition

Mr David Day, Chief Executive of the Tin Ka Ping Foundation, delivered an inspiring speech to encourage students to learn English through “glocal” cultures

Judges, honourable guests, the drama director and student participants at the Drama Competition