Anna Tso, Associate Professor of the Department of English, recently published a book called Digital Communication and Learning: Changes and Challenges with Alex Chi-keung Chan, Wendy Wing Lam Chan, Peter Edward Sidorko, Will W. K. Ma. The book aims to examine challenges and possibilities of using social media and educational technology, and to investigate the changing environment and pedagogical setting globally and locally in the perspective of scholars and practitioners.
The chapter Self and Peer Assessment in the Socially Distanced Classroom: An Action Research for Improving English Oral of Asian Students by Professor Tso discusses the difficulties and opportunities of EFL oral course in the situation of COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, the chapter examines how online platforms improve EFL students’ oral performances.
Digital Communication and Learning – Changes and Challenges | Anna Tso | Springer Singapore
The book is part of the Educational Communications and Technology Yearbook (ECTY) series.