The English Department cordially invites you to join our teaching and learning seminar, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Language/ Literature, and Culture, to be organized on 2 November 2023 (Thursday).
Date: 2 November 2023 (Thursday)
Time: 2:30pm – 4pm
Venue: Room A214, S H Ho Academic Building
Speaker: Dr Leo Francis Hoye, Honorary Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics, The University of Hong Kong
Registration: Complete this online form to reserve a seat. Available on a first-come-first-served basis.
Remarks: 1 iGPS unit will be awarded to undergraduate students who attend the seminar
Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is not new. Widely implemented in such familiar applications as web search engines (Google, Firefox, Safari, etc.), recommendation systems (YouTube, Amazon, Netflix), or the detector capabilities of Turnitin, most of us in academia are familiar with its potential benefits (and perhaps downsides) and, more particularly, its application as a natural language processing tool (NLP), where its role affords computers the ability to understand spoken and written texts in broadly the same way as people can.
The public release of Chat Generative Pretrained Transformer (ChatGPT) introduces a natural language processing tool that ‘allows you to have human-like conversations and much more with the chatbot’ (Ortiz, 2023).
The language model, with its formidable dataset, has a range of applications in the fields of linguistics, literature and culture, and mounting research has been exploring the ways in which this AI tool can enhance learning in these areas or prove detrimental. Today’s paper outlines current thinking about the role of *ChatGPT – the pros and cons – in the field of education and examines issues related to its implementation in language studies, literature, and culture.
[*The current version, now in its GPT-4 iteration, released earlier this year, is the most powerful to date, with the prospect of updated and yet more powerful models to be released in the future.]
Dr Leo Francis Hoye was educated in Britain, France and Romania and is a versatile educator, researcher, published author, and presenter in the fields of English language, visual communication, intercultural communication (negotiation skills), business communication, and cultural diplomacy. He has considerable international experience, having worked with governmental and other agencies in various parts of the world such as France, Italy, Denmark, Saudi Arabia, Romania, Mexico, Czech Republic, Poland, Chile, Hong Kong SAR, and Mainland China. Formerly Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education at The University of Hong Kong and now an Honorary Associate Professor in the Faculty of Arts (School of Humanities, Linguistics), Leo currently divides his time between teaching, writing and, occasionally, public speaking.
For enquiries, please feel free to contact us at eng@hsu.edu.hk.