30 June 2015
English Summer Course 2015
The English Summer Course commenced on 1 June2015, offered by the Department of English. This 5-week English Summer Courseis designed for students who strive to improve their English reading, writing,speaking and listening skills. Apart from enhancing students’ Englishproficiency, the course also aims to develop their logical and criticalthinking through examining some current issues related to internationalcultures. In addition to our two dedicated teachers, various guest speakerswere invited to speak about Korea, the Middle East, Canada, Japan, Malaysia,the United Kingdom and the United States of America. Students were alsoassigned American pen-pals during June as to hone their English writing andcommunication skills.
The English Summer Course ran from 10:30 am to1:30 pm, every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, from 1 June through 30 June 2015.

Hattie Tsoi, Assistant Project Manager of “Glocality” and Cultural Literacy: HSMC English Enhancement Project, shared her rewarding experience of studying in the UK with our fellow students

Shelly Griggs from the United States gave students an insight into American cuisine in different states

Jonathan Griggs from the United States enthusiastically described various sports unique to America

Kevin Dahaghi from the United States introduced different American sitcoms to our students, which was greeted with peals of laughter

Rachel Lew from South Korea provided our students with insights into various factors that motivate people to undergo cosmetic surgery

May Khoo from Malaysia explored the geographical features of the culturally diverse country with our students
Group photos of teachers and students in the last lesson