17 June 2013
The first English Summer Course at Hang Seng Management College officially started at 10am, June 17, 2013. Initiated and offered by the English Department, this four-week dynamic and fun-laden English Summer Course aims to enhance students’ English proficiency, and to develop their logical and critical thinking through examining current issues relating to popular cultures. The summer course will run from 10am to 1pm, every Monday and Wednesday, from June 17 through 15 July 2013.
We are honoured to have invited Prof T. S. Lee, Vice President, and Prof Thomas Luk, Dean of School of Humanities and Chairperson of the Department of English, to officiate at the opening. Prof Thomas Luk gave an encouraging kickoff speech before the commencement of the class. Prof. T. S. Lee also expressed his expectation on the course and the students. It is hoped that more summer courses will be offered in the future to cater for the needs of the students
Prof. Thoms Luk, Dean of School of Humanities and Chairperson of the English Department, gives his warm welcome and encouragement to students of the English Summer Course
Prof. T. S. Lee, Vice President of HSMC, and Prof. Thomas Luk, Dean of School of Humanities and Chairperson of the English Department, share their experience with the students

Group photo of teachers and students