The first BA-ENG Reunion Cocktail Party was held on 22 March 2019. It was a great opportunity to celebrate the 7th anniversary of the BA-ENG programme and the attainment of U-title. Over 110 alumni, current students, academic staff and external examiners joined the party.
The party was kicked off by Prof Kwok-kan TAM,

Prof Kwok-kan TAM, Dean of School of Humanities and Social Science, gave an opening remark

Dr Paul FUNG, Acting Head of Department of English, gave a welcome speech

Prof Stuart CHRISTIE, External Examiner (Programme) of BA-ENG, gave a remark
Sharing of BA-ENG alumni

Group Photo

BA-ENG Alumni of Class of 2016

BA-ENG Alumni of Class of 2017

BA-ENG Alumni of Class of 2018