BA-ENG Reunion Cocktail Party

The first BA-ENG Reunion Cocktail Party was held on 22 March 2019. It was a great opportunity to celebrate the 7th anniversary of the BA-ENG programme and the attainment of U-title. Over 110 alumni, current students, academic staff and external examiners joined the party. The party was kicked off by Prof Kwok-kan TAM, Dr Paul FUNG and Prof Stuart…

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Supporting Budding Poets

For the third year in a row, the Department of English at HSUHK has been commissioned to organise the Hong Kong Budding Poets (English) Award (HKBPA). The HKBPA is a territory-wide competition open to local primary, secondary, international and ESF schools. It is organised by the Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education and supported by Gifted Education Section of…

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“Root for you”: Preservation and Promotion of Chinese Culture

Supported by the Sin Wai Kin Chinese Culture Promotion Scheme, the Department of English is organising a series of workshops on “Root for you”: Preservation and Promotion of Chinese Culture. The first workshop, Far From Being Foreign Wing Chun, was held on 25 January 2019. The Department invited Chris Tannous to be the instructor. Chris was a psychotherapist in…

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Footprint from Afar: The Story of Hakka People Cultural Tour to Meizhou and Shanghai, China

Funded by Tin Ka Ping Foundation and organised by Department of English, the project “Footprint from afar: The story of Hakka people” provides opportunities for students to go on an excursion to appreciate Hakka culture. Between 2 and 10 January 2019, 18 HSUHK students from different disciplines visited Dabu County, Meizhou and Shanghai. The students first examined traditional Hakka culture in…

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HSUHK Graduation Ceremony 2018

On 5 December 2018, the Hang Seng University of Hong Kong held the Graduation Ceremony 2018 to celebrate the achievements of the graduating students. This year, 54 students were awarded Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English (BA-ENG). The Department would also like to congratulate the following scholarship awardees: Academic Excellence ScholarshipLEUNG Hoi Yee Academic Achievement ScholarshipKO Wai Yan Academic Accomplishment ScholarshipYIM…

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The Spread of English in Mainland China: An analysis of the best available data At the Departmental Seminar hosted on 5 December 2018, Dr Rining WEI from Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University illustrated Chinese people’s use of and self-rated proficiency in English, as well as their attitudes towards using a foreign language.

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28th English Departmental Seminar

At the Departmental Seminar hosted on 14 November 2018, Professor Kwok-kan Tam illustrated how bilingual metaphors work in hybridized forms of English, and discussed the new sensibilities and identities expressed in Hong Kong and Singapore English writings, mainly poetry, drama and fiction.

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BA-ENG Tea Gathering 2018

A tea gathering was held on 8 November 2018, bringing together teachers and students in the Department. It was a great opportunity for BA-ENG students to meet their personal tutor and peer tutor, and share their campus life.

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IELTS Talk by the British Council 2018

The Department of English had the honour of inviting Ms Ivy Cheung, a representative from the British Council, to deliver an IELTS Talk to HSMC students on 13 September 2018. Students were introduced to the important information of IELTS and how to prepare for the IELTS Academic test.

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